We have been involved in the development of the following resources over the years.
Current Projects: Graphical tool to visualize and download genome annotation data for 27 species of plant model
organisms and crop species
Past Projects:
organisms and crop species
- Integrated Pennycress Resilience Project
Using natural and induced variation in pennycress to improve abiotic stress tolerance and oilseed bioenergy crop resilience
- NeuroPlant
Cross-disciplinary project aims to build a pipeline to explore natural products from plants as potential treatments for neurological diseases and as tools for unraveling the chemistry of the brain
- Plant Cell Atlas
Community resource that comprehensively describes the state of various plant cell types and integrates high-resolution location information of nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites within plant cells - The PCA has its own resources page with man tools and repositories for working with plant data
- Plant Metabolic Cluster Viewer (New URL as of 11/11/24)
Web service for searching, browsing and downloading metabolic gene clusters from multiple plant species
- Plant Metabolic Network
Genome-scale databases of metabolic enzymes, compounds, and pathways in plants
- Sorghum Metabolic Atlas
Sub-cellular localization of enzymes in Sorghum
Past Projects:
- AraNet
Gene Functional Associations
- Associomics Consortium
Comprehensive membrane protein interactome of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Genomes to Natural Products Network
Plant secondary metabolic pathway discovery using bioinformatics and synthetic biology
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Model Organism Database
- Gene Ontology Consortium
- Setaria for Biofuels
Integrated platform for rapid gene discovery
Also be sure to check out our Software Tools page for additional resources!